What Does It Mean to Be Chosen?

This study guide parallels each episode, connecting readers to the Bible in a brand-new way. It includes:

  • A deeper look at Isaiah 43 and its fulfillment in Jesus and the lives of His followers (including us!)
  • Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from the show
  • Guiding questions for groups or individuals

Blessed Are the Chosen

This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:

  • A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
  • Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
  • Scripture to provide lesson context
  • Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
  • Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
  • Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

The Way of the Chosen

This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:

  • A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
  • Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
  • Scripture to provide lesson context
  • Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
  • Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
  • Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

God's Goodness for the Chosen

God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen.

You’ll see:
• Death is eclipsed by life
• Grief is eclipsed by praise
• Questions are eclipsed by resolve
• Confusion is eclipsed by grace
• Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
• Heartbreak is eclipsed by love
• Sin is eclipsed by obedience
• Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God’s plan

Sign up for news on Future The Chosen titles & more

What Does it Mean to Be Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study (Volume 1)
Blessed Are the Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study (Volume 2)
The Way of the Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study (Volume 3)
God’s Goodness for the Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study Season 4
The Chosen Presents: The Shepherd
The Chosen Presents: Jesus Loves the Little Children
Get Used to Different: A Student Guide to The Chosen
The Chosen ¿Qué significa ser elegido?: Un estudio bíblico interactivo, Temporada 1
The Chosen Vol 1: Called by Name
The Chosen Bienaventurados los elegidos: Un estudio bíblico interactivo, Temporada 2
The Chosen El camino de los elegidos: Un estudio bíblico interactivo, Temporada 3
The Chosen presents: Come and See Jesus
The Chosen presents: Chosen One Night

Sign up for info about future Chosen Books!

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