Global Impact

In a slum in Nairobi, Kenya, a young boy holds up a well-worn copy of The Story of Jesus, a colorful booklet that presents the gospel to children in engaging, age-appropriate ways and shows them how to share the gospel with others.
“It has really made a difference in my family,” he tells his teacher who gave him the book.
The boy goes on to tell the story of how his entire family was led to Jesus by his eight-year-old brother, who used the book to share the powerful, winsome gospel of Jesus Christ with his siblings and even his alcoholic father.
“Now that my father knows Jesus, he doesn’t drink anymore. Our home is peaceful. And now we have more money for food, and I get to go to school again because we can afford the school fees,” he said.
“What you are teaching about God’s provision is true. God is good—and He gives us what we need.”
The World Needs Jesus
There’s no doubt, we are living in challenging times. Whether these challenges are economic, political, social, cultural, or familial, the Church is needed now more than ever. Christians around the world face unprecedented opposition for following Jesus.
Sifting through the overabundance of information available from unvetted sources makes finding tools for evangelism and discipleship a challenge in itself, especially in impoverished, religiously restricted, or remote regions of the world.

Why David C Cook?
Impacting Lives
We’re transforming lives around the world and equipping the Church to disciple today’s generations.
In 2024, David C Cook reached 3.2 million people with transformational resources, vital training, and powerful tools in some of the hardest places around the world. None of this would be possible without the support of our generous donors.
Here are just a few of the ways we’ve impacted the world in 2024 together…
copies of
The Story of Jesus
copies of
The Action Bible
New Testament
1,000 new churches across East Africa
80,000 copies of The Story of Jesus were distributed in Nigeria in some of the most persecuted parts of the country, and 30,000 copies were distributed in indigenous neighborhoods in Brazil.
2,000 copies of The Applied New Testament Commentary and The Action Study Bible were delivered to prison ministries in Chile, where they are being used to introduce inmates to Jesus, grow in their faith, and learn to share the gospel with fellow prisoners.
15,000 copies of The Action Bible New Testament were distributed in Kenya, most of which went to children in the Rift Valley and the slums of Nairobi.
1,000 new churches across East Africa are now using Life on Life. In persecuted parts of India, Life on Life was relaunched through the Church of North India, which has 2 million members.
The Global Ministry of David C Cook

When you give, 100% of your gift goes directly to the ministry initiatives that transform lives
We use 100% of your donation for ministry initiatives, not just a part of it

David C Cook has 150 years of experience in serving the church and ministry.

We are uniquely called to equip the global church to reach their communities with Christ-centered resources. Join us!

Change a child’s life for eternity
In a village in a part of India, where believers are at risk of persecution and even personal harm, 14-year-old Prisha is learning to trust God through all the challenges of life in this part of the world. She learned this important faith lesson in a Life on Life class at her small local church.
Recently we’ve been learning about Joshua and the responsibility he had after Moses died. He had great responsibilities, and with that he also was afraid and scared somewhere deep down. The thing I learned was even when there are problems, you have to believe on God and hold on to God, because there might be problems, but God is bigger than your problems.”
– Prisha, 14, India