Leadership and Theology Resources


Raised To Stay

Persevering in ministry when you have a million reasons to walk away.

Letters to the Church

A call to be the Church God intended us to be from New York Times-bestselling author, Francis Chan.

God’s Not Like That

How to distinguish truth from fiction when it comes to personal beliefs.


Warrior of Eden

How curiosity and questions lead to understanding God’s call for women.

Cold-Case Christianity

Why the gospel eyewitness accounts demonstrate the historicity of Jesus.


A thoughtful intersection of faith and politics.

Coming Soon!

straight to the heart book cover image

Straight to the Heart

How to communicate the gospel in an emotionally driven culture.


Cold-Case Christianity

Examines the claims of the New Testament using the skills and strategies of a hard-to-convince criminal investigator.

Wiersbe Bible Commentary
2 Volume set

Life-changing truth of the Scriptures wrapped in the warm, personal wisdom of one of America’s best-known Bible teachers, Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe.

A Practical Guide to Culture

A practical go-to manual to equip kids to rise above the culture.

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