Never Walk Alone

  • Kathryn Joy MacDowall

Never Walk Alone

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Inspired by the Hillsong Worship song “Never Walk Alone,” this rhyming adventure through Egyptian deserts, Australian beaches, and even outer space teaches kids ages 3-8 that no matter where we go, God is always by our side.

I wonder and I’d like to know

If there’s any place that I could go

Where I would be SO far away

That you couldn’t hear me when I pray.

An adventure-loving boy travels around the world in his imagination to discover that no matter what, God will always be with him. Delightful illustrations, hand-lettering, and fitting Bible verses make this fun-filled exploration of every continent a beautiful celebration of God’s faithful presence with each of us.

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About the Author:

Kathryn lives in Sydney and loves to communicate the truth of God’s Word to children and young people in a way that is engaging and creative. Kathryn can be found preaching and teaching children in her local church, where she has been on staff for twenty years. Kathryn is an expert in finding adventure and a good story in almost anything.

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