
  • Eugene Cho

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Eugene Cho has a confession: “I like to talk about changing the world but I don’t really like to do what it takes.” If this is true of the man who founded the One Day’s Wages global antipoverty movement, then what must it take to act on one’s ideals? Cho does not doubt the sincerity of those who want to change the world. But he fears that today’s wealth of resources and opportunities could be creating “the most overrated generation in history. We have access to so much but end up doing so little.” He came to see that he, too, was overrated.

As Christians, Cho writes, “our calling is not simply to change the world but to be changed ourselves.” In Overrated, Cho shows that it is possible to move from talk to action.

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About the Author:

Eugene Cho is the founder of One Day’s Wages, a movement working to alleviate extreme global poverty. He is the founder and senior pastor of Quest Church, an urban, multicultural and multigenerational church in Seattle, Washington, where he lives with his family. Cho has been covered in various media including NPR, New York Times, and Seattle Times.

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