She Smiles without Fear

  • Katy McCown

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Bible Study with Digital Video Sessions Included!

Many women live with anticipation—but also great anxiety—about what the future may bring. So they work hard to stay one step ahead of their worst-case scenarios. While they’re focused on arranging a secure tomorrow, their fear strangles the peace, joy, and purpose from today. With the Proverbs 31 woman as a guide, Katy McCown takes readers on a five-week journey to discover how to find security in God’s plans and confidence in His control.
McCown’s Bible study provides a fresh perspective of the Proverbs 31 woman to make her more accessible than ever before.


  • 6 digital video sessions easily accessed online
  • Personal or Group Study with 5 weeks of personal study segments to complete between 6 weeks of group sessions
  •  Practical tools for overcoming anxiety and fear rooted in God’s word

A Joy-Filled Invitation to Move the Weight of the World from Your Shoulders to God’s

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About the Author:

Katy McCown is president of She Laughs Ministries, a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, host of the Best Day Ever podcast, and the author of She Smiles without Fear. Katy left her job as a television news reporter to join her husband, Luke, on their adventure in the National Football League. Luke and Katy have six children.

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