Erica Renaud

Erica Renaud photo image

Erica Renaud is a powerful speaker and founder of two ongoing prayer initiatives. She speaks at various conferences, events, and retreats throughout the Northeast. Closer to home, Erica has taught in children’s ministry for over 6 years and helped develop a 12 week curriculum. Her and her husband are active in their congregation leading regular prayer and worship gatherings. Most recently, Erica launched a bi-annual area women’s event for Christian women of the Northeast called ‘Ignite’.

When she’s not ministering to others via a microphone, you will find Erica at home discipling her five children between the ages of 5 and 17. With most of the children currently homeschooled, her house is rarely short of laughter, schoolwork, and mess. In her ‘free’ time, Erica loves to frequent the mountains, lakes, and coffee shops of upstate New York.

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