Adulting for Jesus

  • Kristin Weber

Adulting for Jesus

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Is adulthood a curse? What should I do with all these participation trophies? As young adults try to figure things out and answer deep, soul-heavy questions, they’re given flak for living in “extended adolescence.” In a world that insists we can (and should) have it all, Adulting for Jesus uses humor to offer topical advice and encouragement for those who are asking, “Is this really all there is?”

About the Author:

Kristin Weber is a comedian, author, and speaker who travels the country sharing stories about the realities of life. While she doesn’t possess the things her generation has been told they need to be joyful (professional success, marriage, kids), she finds her life today incredibly fulfilling and wouldn’t trade it. Kristin resides in Atlanta. She plays the accordion, so she is still single.

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