Christ-Centered Dating

  • Mark Ballenger

Christ-Centered Dating

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What if glorifying God and pursuing marriage could happen at the same time?

Christian singles are often taught that the best way to find “the one” is to glorify God and let him take care of the rest. What if, instead, singles glorified God through their pursuit of marriage?

In Christ-Centered Dating, popular YouTuber Mark Ballenger challenges each reader to understand the difference between seeking to glorify God for the blessing of a spouse and seeking a spouse for the glory of God. With personal stories, biblical guidance, and real-life application, Mark helps readers understand:

  • Why their beliefs about dating are so crucial to their spiritual lives.
  • How to meet other godly singles.
  • What the eight phases of a healthy dating relationship should be.
  • How to heal from past relationship wounds and idols.
  • Whether or not there is such a thing as “the one.”

God wants his people to discover the freedom of choosing to put him first in their relationships. Christ-Centered Dating helps the single Christian reflect his image while actively seeking the person God has chosen as his or her spouse.

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About the Author:

Mark Ballenger is the founder of the popular website and its accompanying YouTube channel. His writings have appeared on numerous ministry sites including,, and Mark has a master’s degree in pastoral counseling and lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife and two children.

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