God’s Not Like That

  • Bryan Clark

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Many of us long for the abundant life Jesus promised, but instead we feel stagnant and frustrated in our faith. More of us cultivate our view of God from our family of origin than from the pages of the Bible—and a faulty view of God will always be a barrier to a satisfying spiritual life.

In his unique and interactive book God’s Not Like That, author Bryan Clark returns us to Scripture on a step-by-step journey to identify and then correct our misconceptions about God. This highly practical book helps us understand:

  • Specific ways our childhood influences our beliefs today
  • The difference between a grace-based value system and a performance-based value system
  • How to distinguish truth from fiction when it comes to personal beliefs
  • Why even a loving and faith-filled family can inadvertently pass on false representations of God
  • What the Bible says about how God intended Himself to be depicted in the home

Abundant life has nothing to do with money or prosperity or health. Abundant life has everything to do with a right view of God that sustains us, comforts us, and satisfies us through every season.

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About the Author:

Bryan Clark has been a senior pastor for four decades. He is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute, Talbot Seminary, and Denver Seminary. He has been the Bible teacher for Back to the Bible and currently has a podcast with Dan Whitney (a.k.a., Larry the Cable Guy) called Talk’n Truth. Bryan and his wife, Patti, have been married since 1981.

“After decades of studying, teaching, and preaching, Bryan brings a wealth of wisdom and life experience to a timely and significant topic. This unique resource has powerful insights that have the potential to make a meaningful difference in any life. It is a book you’ll want to read more than once.”

Gary J. Oliver
ThM, PhD, Going Deeper Together Ministries, professor of psychology and practical theology at John Brown University

“In this book, Pastor Clark shows us that there is a relationship between the way we have been treated by our earthly father and the way we view our heavenly Father. He wisely counsels us to think rightly of our heavenly Father and we will receive the forgiveness, acceptance, and self-worth our earthly father failed to give us.”

Erwin W. Lutzer
Pastor emeritus at Moody Church, Chicago

“With wisdom and realism, Bryan Clark coaches us in understanding how deeply our families of origin have shaped not only who we now are but how we think of God. This biblical and accessible book will help any open-hearted reader peel back layers of misperception of what God is like, layers they didn’t even realize were there.”

Dane Ortlund
Senior pastor of Naperville Presbyterian Church
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