The 30-Day Praise Challenge

  • Becky Harling

The 30-Day Praise Challenge

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Discover the Power of Praising God

When Becky Harling was diagnosed with cancer over ten years ago, she begged God for healing. A friend of hers had another idea. She challenged Becky to spend twenty minutes a day in praise. Becky thought, What if I’m not feeling thankful? But as she intentionally praised God, she began to experience new joy—and her relationship with God has never been the same.

Now, in The Thirty-Day Praise Challenge, Becky guides you in praising God for twenty minutes every day for one month. Arranged topically, the book includes music selections to enhance your praise journey and creative ideas for continuing the habit of praise.

As Becky writes, “If you take this challenge, your faith will grow more than you dreamed possible. You will experience more joy, less insecurity, more courage, less anxiety. Thirty days of praising God. Are you ready?”

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About the Author:

Becky Harling is a sought-after speaker and the author of several books. Her degree in biblical literature, as well as her experience as a missionary, women’s ministries director, and survivor of breast cancer and sexual abuse, bring depth to her message. Becky’s husband, Steve, is pastor at Foothills Community Church in Arvada, Colorado. Becky and Steve have four grown children and four grandchildren.

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