
  • Strahan Coleman

What if the longing we feel is a sign of God’s longing for us? Thirsting is a deeply spiritual exploration of a life-changing truth: only when we learn to live in the ache of our thirst instead of running from it will we know the joy of receiving God in every part of our lives.

We may be able to imagine God saving us, using us, and even loving us—but wanting us? Pursuing us? Longing for us? And yet, as spiritual director Strahan Coleman teaches, God’s greatest desire is to commune with us in the depths of our souls.

In Thirsting, Strahan eloquently guides us to:

  • Acknowledge the God-given thirst within us so we can offer it to God in all its depth
  • Learn to open up our pain to God so we can experience Him in the midst of our aching
  • Allow God’s desire for us to open up a whole new experience of communion

You thirst because you are thirsted for. Take a rich, vulnerable journey toward an inner knowing with God as you step over shame, receive His love, and drink Him deeply. The very journey you were made .

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About the Author:

Strahan Coleman is an award-winning musician, poet, writer, and spiritual director from Aotearoa, New Zealand. He is the founder of Commoners Communion, a space for exploring deepness with God through spiritual retreats, a podcast, and online prayer schools. Strahan has written three volumes of poetic-prayer books that invite readers into a more honest, close, and loving prayerful life with God.

Deep souls in an era of distraction are a vanishing species. Even rarer are those few deep souls who can lovingly invite us away from our diversions into life with God. My friend Strahan is one of our modern-day desert fathers. A quiet, wise voice in a world of noise. If you want to hear God, follow this teacher, read this book, say yes to this path—the true path of prayer.

John Mark Comer
New York Times bestselling author and founder of Practicing the Way

In poetic prose, Strahan Coleman strings together a compelling picture of prayer that is equally melodic and earthy—widening the eyes in wonder, enflaming the heart with desire, and also somehow staying grounded enough to embody in practice. Thirsting reads like a book that’s been lived deeply prior to being written, and that sort of book, while sadly a rarity, carries the most potent message.

Tyler Staton
Lead pastor of Bridgetown Church

Strahan has beautifully and deeply invited us to come to the fountain of life and bathe our thirsty souls in Jesus. I can’t think of a more important message for a thirsty generation.

Al Gordon

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