Unplanned Grace

  • Natasha Smith
  • Brittany Smith

Unplanned Grace

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When a woman receives an unexpected positive pregnancy test, abortion often seems like the best or only option for a fulfilling future.

Unplanned Grace beautifully challenges that myth, equipping readers to support abortion-vulnerable women with a love that values life in every way.

Writing for the nonprofit organization Save the Storks, Natasha and Brittany draw on personal interviews, inspiring stories, and eye-opening facts to help readers understand:

How economics, relationships, and health affect a woman’s pregnancy decision
The value of having empathy for women facing unplanned pregnancies
The enormous potential churches have to support women in crisis
Writing not just from a “pro-birth” perspective but from a “pro-abundant life” perspective, Unplanned Grace is an ideal resource for churches and individuals who want to make a difference in the pro-life movement.

About the Author:

Natasha Smith and Brittany Smith work with Save the Storks, a nonprofit ministry that exists to inspire cultural change by empowering strategic partners, like pregnancy resource centers, to serve and value every life. They believe that to end abortion, people must be educated on its realities and equipped to respond with compassion and love.

Natasha Smith and Brittany Smith work with Save the Storks, a nonprofit ministry that exists to inspire cultural change by empowering strategic partners, like pregnancy resource centers, to serve and value every life. They believe that to end abortion, people must be educated on its realities and equipped to respond with compassion and love.

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