You and Me Forever

  • Francis Chan
  • Lisa Chan

Francis and Lisa Chan turn traditional marriage advice upside down in this radically encouraging book for singles and couples about how only when we live with eternity in mind can we enjoy all God intends for us on earth.

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Marriage can be great … but how would your marriage flourish if you focused on something even greater? In the same way Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love changed the way we saw our relationship with God, You and Me Forever by Francis and his wife, Lisa, radically shifts the way we see our relationship with our spouse.

Ideal for couples and singles considering marriage who want to experience God in a new way, this unique book:

  • Equips us to pursue a marriage that radiates God’s glory
  • Motivates us to make radical decisions based on devotion to Jesus
  • Helps us prepare ourselves and our loved ones for eternity
  • Shows us how living with an eternal lens sharpens our focus on the here and now

Unlike marriage books that narrow readers’ focus to the marriage itself, You and Me Forever shows how to prioritize your eternal relationship with your Creator above all things—because only when two people are right with God will they be right with each other.

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About the Author:

Lisa and Francis Chan have been married for more than thirty years and coauthored You and Me Forever. Francis plants churches in the San Francisco area and disciples the next generation of pastors and leaders.

Francis Chan has been a pastor for over thirty years. He is a New York Times–bestselling author of several books, including Crazy Love, Letters to the Church, and Until Unity. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married nearly thirty years and coauthored You and Me Forever. Currently, Francis and his family split their time between ministry and church planting in Northern California and Asia.

Francis Chan ha sido pastor por más de treinta años. Es un autor de varios libros de superventas del New York times, incluyendo Loco Amor, Letters to the Church, Until Unity. Él y su esposa, Lisa, han estado casados por casi treinta años y son coautores de You and Me Forever. Actualmente, Francis y su familia dividen su tiempo ministrando y plantando iglesias en el norte de California y Asia.

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