HeartShaper UK

Instilling God’s Word in every child’s heart

Shape Hearts. Change Lives.

HeartShaper® Children’s Curriculum is designed to help children in your Sunday school or activity club discover God through His Word. Each session will take your group through the Bible and its key themes, encouraging a life-long love of Scripture and helping children to see how God can shape their lives.

This Primary age edition, aimed at ages 5 to 11 has fifty-two sessions for your Sunday school or children’s activity group with guided leader’s notes and reproducible activity pages. Each session’s leader’s guide comes with four clear steps to guide you (Focus In, Explore His Word, Make It Real, and Live It Out) and are flexible enough to match the length of your session. These are complemented with reproducible activity pages, including special needs friendly resources to ensure every child is included and made to feel welcome.

Click here to download the
HeartShaper sampler

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