Tru Resources
Powerpoint and Videos
Explore Tru Curriculum »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
Take a deep dive into the philosophy, structure, and aspects of all that Tru offers.
Understanding the Path of Every Tru Lesson »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
Get acquainted with the flow of a Tru lesson and how each section is designed for ultimate faith formation.
Exploring TruWonder »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
TruWonder creates an environment for young children to experience the wonder of God.
TruWonder Storytelling Video
Exploring TruStory »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
TruStory invites children to find their place in The Big God Story.
TruStory Storytelling Video
Exploring TruIdentity »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
TruIdentity empowers students to find their identity in Christ and respond to Him in faith.
Spiritual Parenting »
Download the first video session and the digital leader guide of the DVD series. (The download is a zipped file containing the Powerpoint & movie files. Total file size is 4.4 GB). Due to the compressed file size, we strongly recommend downloading Spiritual Parenting to a PC or Mac computer.
HomeFront Magazine »
PowerPoint | Google Slides
A detailed view of all the rich opportunities awaiting families and family ministries with practical application and fun-memory making opportunities.
Family Ministry Conversations
Family Ministry Conversations
Worship Response Stations
Worship response stations provide kids and students with an immediate opportunity to worship God corporately and individually. In addition to stimulating godly worship and praise, response stations also spiritually affirm who kids are in Christ.
This further develops children’s awareness that they too are a part of The Big God Story, and it helps students processing what they’re learning from God through His Word and the Holy Spirit.
Children's Worship Response
There are endless designs for creating spaces that encourage and support spiritual formation and response, some as simple as string tacked up on the wall with nails, yarn tied between chairs, or index cards in front of a box.
Student Worship Response
Whether in the midst of silence, interacting through an entry in a prayer journal, writing a response on a Prayer Wall, singing and dancing, or speaking Scripture out loud, this is the students’ time to respond to God in a personal way.