Wonder Ink Is Based on Four Core Values

Known by God
God, the Creator of all, knows me. He has always known me. He has had me in mind from the very beginning. He made me, and I am His masterpiece. He made me in His own image to do the amazing things He has prepared for me to do.
I am KNOWN by the Creator and that means I BELONG. I get to be part of His family.
Psalm 139:13-14 NIrV

Loved by Jesus
Jesus’ perfect life, death, resurrection, and promised return are God’s love story. Jesus came to fulfill God’s promises to His children. Through Jesus, I have salvation.
Jesus loves me no matter what. His love for me has no beginning and no end, and I get to love Him back. Jesus is God’s love in person. God’s love is big and generous, and it is for me! Jesus is the way to God’s love. Choosing to follow Jesus means choosing God’s love and God’s way.
I am LOVED by Jesus, and I get to share His LOVE too.
John 13:34, 35 NIrV

Led by the Holy Spirit
God gives me the gift of His Holy Spirit when I choose to live for Jesus. The Holy Spirit invites me to live in God’s Kingdom—now and not yet.
When I accept Jesus as my Savior, I receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, and He lives inside me. When I let the Holy Spirit lead, He strengthens me, and I grow in belief. As I learn that God’s way is the best way, my faith grows too. The Holy Spirit helps me be more like Jesus—the me I was made to be.
Because I am LED by the Holy Spirit, I can FOLLOW Him.
Romans 8:14, 15a NIrV

I Am a Child of God
God’s amazing story changes my own.
Because God knows me, Jesus loves me, and the Holy Spirit leads me, I get to be a wonder-filled reflection of God to the world. I get to know who I truly am and who I was made to be.
The Bible tells me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by a loving God who knows all about me and loves every inch of me. He delights in me, and I will celebrate His wonder!
I am a WONDER. I get to BE part of God’s story, and my life TELLS of God’s wonder.
1 Peter 2:9 NIrV
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Create a trial account to have access to a 4-lesson series and all of Wonder Ink's online features. No credit card is required to create a trial account.
Engage kids in God’s Word.
All age groups study the same Bible story each week. You can customize lessons and activities or choose from the 30, 60, or 75-minute ready-to-go lessons—Bible story and worship playlists included!
Faith formation that continues beyond Sunday.
With resources for at church and at home, Wonder Ink helps leaders partner with parents to share God’s Big Story all week long.
You can trust our curriculum.
Although Wonder Ink is new, it was created by David C Cook. We’ve been serving the local church since 1875 and work diligently to create curriculum rooted in God’s Word. You can learn more about us here.
“We recently made the switch to Wonder Ink for our 3-6-year-old and 7-12-year-old classes. The teachers are loving the plans and how easy they are to adapt and teach. We are noticing that the children are digging deeper into the word and engaging in high quality conversations about God and how to be His followers. The lessons have a good balance of games, fun, videos, small group conversation and Bible reading.”

Faith Formation Beyond Sunday
Wonder Ink Bible curriculum was created by ministry practitioners and discipleship thought leaders to help the local church inspire children in faith, walk alongside parents at home, and equip volunteers in ministry. It is a trusted solution for your children’s church or Sunday school program.
Engage kids in God’s Word.
Children in each age level study the same Bible story each week. Lessons and activities are customizable, or leaders can choose from the 30, 60, or 75-minute ready-to-go lessons. Bible story videos and worship playlists are included in every lesson!
Plus, Wonder Ink helps leaders partner with parents to share God’s Big Story all week long, with resources for church and home.
• Weekly Wonder@Home resources that include family activities, family discussion prompts, and worship playlists.
• Monthly Wonder@Home resources that include family spiritual practices and breath prayers based on the current Wonder Ink Series.
With Wonder Ink you will:
- Spark curiosity and guide children on a journey of faith through the wonder of God.
- Inspire kids to discover their identity in God’s Big Story, where Jesus is Lord and the Holy Spirit is present.
- Make room for the big (and sometimes hard) questions kids have while leaving no doubt about who God is or who they are in Him.
3 Year, 52-week Child Discipleship Plan
At the center of Wonder Ink’s Sunday School curriculum and digital toolkit is the rolling, 3-year, 52-week child discipleship plan that explores the entire Bible in three years.
- Encompasses major Bible stories grouped into themed series of 4-6 weeks.
- Balances Old Testament and New Testament stories and connects the Bible as a whole.
- Includes 4 events each year—Fall, Christmas, Easter, and Summer.
Take a 4-part lesson journey of Curiosity, Belief, Faith, and Identity.
Invite children to experience the wonder of God every day in every way.