Two David C Cook Titles Named National Bestsellers

 Natalie Runion’s Raised to Stay and Bryan Clark’s God’s Not Like That rank near top of USA Today’s bestseller list

(COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado) – Christian publisher David C Cook celebrates author Natalie Runion’s first book Raised to Stay: Persevering in Ministry When You Have a Million Reasons to Walk Away successfully placing on USA Today’s bestseller list, garnering the #1 spot in the religion category, ranking 21st in all books, #5 in nonfiction.

Additionally, Raised to Stay made the Publisher’s Weekly bestseller list, placing #23 in the trade paperback frontlist category.

Bryan Clark’s book, God’s Not Like That: Redeeming Inherited Beliefs and Finding the Father You Long For placed at #2 in the religion category, #9 in the non-fiction category, and #37 in all books on USA Today’s list. Both books released on July 4, 2023.

In Raised to Stay, Runion explores the disappointment many are feeling and the hurt experienced in the Church today. With leaders and laypeople leaving churches across American in droves, the message is clearly resonating with faith audiences, as well as readers across genres. She invites Christian pastors and volunteer leaders to acknowledge “the hurt and the hard” of ministry so they can move toward “hope and healing.”

“I feel so blessed to share the message of hope and healing with so many who have experienced hurt within the Church—a heartbreak I myself walked through personally,” said Runion. “I am humbled and overcome with gratitude for every Stayer who has committed to keep their eyes on our good Father who is faithful to complete every work He begins in us.”

Bryan Clark’s book, God’s Not Like That, is a practical guide for overcoming barriers and experiencing the abundant life Christians long for, but often struggle to find. Clark does this by helping readers identify the wrong beliefs about God we receive from our families of origin and replace them with truth.

“It’s not a question of if you learned about God from your family of origin. It’s a question of what you learned about Him—and a faulty view of God will always be a barrier to a satisfying spiritual life,” writes Clark. “Finding abundant life has nothing to do with money or prosperity or a life free from pain. It has everything to do with a right view of God that sustains us in the best of times and the worst of times.”

Bryan Clark is Senior Pastor Emeritus of Lincoln Berean Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. His voice is familiar to thousands across the country as a Bible teacher for Back to the Bible radio. He also has a podcast with Dan Whitney (a.k.a., Larry the Cable Guy) called “Talk’n Truth” under the Back to the Bible brand.

“The fact that both of these books are resonating with Christian readers is no surprise to us,” said David C Cook Executive VP, Chadd Miller. “Many Christ followers today are looking for healing and ways to deepen their spiritual life. Both Natalie and Bryan draw from their own personal experience coupled with scripture to offer hope to a generation that is struggling to find renewed faith and connection within the Church.”

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