The House That Jesus Built

  • Natalie Runion

The House that Jesus Built Natalie Runion Raised to Stay

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From the bestselling author of Raised to Stay comes a hope-filled, practical path forward for our churches to rebuild from the rubble of deconstruction and the discouragement of recent years and become the world-changing family of God again.

God’s Word provides us the foundation, floor plan, and framework for a holy, healthy, and safe Church. Yet in recent years, our culture’s deconstruction of faith, the “great resignation” in Church leadership and attendance, and the devastation of spiritual abuse have broken down God’s beautiful design.

In The House That Jesus Built, bestselling author Natalie Runion gives insight and encouragement to all the “stayers” who want to be a part of rebuilding our churches, brick by brick. With personal stories and practical ideas, she shows us how we can:

  • Reengage our church communities while acknowledging past hurt and disappointment
  • Reflect and pray as we ask how we as leaders and Christ followers have contributed to pain in our churches today
  • Use the book of Acts as the blueprint for empowering the family of God to be the family of God
  • Understand how even the apostles wrestled with their role in the early Church but remained committed to love God, love people, and make disciples
  • Be unified on the one foundation of Jesus Christ

The House That Jesus Built will stir your heart to see God’s churches healthy, whole, and back on mission with the Great Commission and Great Command. As Natalie reminds us, we are the Church. We are the ones who can partner with Jesus to rebuild something beautiful out of the rubble—and back on the Rock.

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About the Author:

Pastor’s kid turned pastor, Natalie, her husband Tony and their two daughters live in Colorado Spring, CO where she is on staff as the Pastor of Women and Creative Pastor of Family Ministry at New Life Church.  In her twenty years of ministry as a worship leader, songwriter and pastor, Natalie has served various organizations and ministries across the country. In 2019 after watching many of her peers walk away from the church and their faith, Natalie began Raised to Stay, a ministry for those who have wandered, wondered and wrestled with the Church and the challenges of full-time ministry. Her heart is to see a generation of leaders finish their race as they partner with a good Father who is faithful to complete the work He began in each of us.

You can learn more about Raised to Stay on Instagram at @raisedtostay and grab a copy of her first book now!

“Natalie Runion puts her finger directly on the pulse of the American church with very practical counsel for how to realign God’s Houses of Worship with the original purpose of the church. A powerful word with a very practical plan.”

Jentezen Franklin
Senior Pastor, Free Chapel, New York Times Best-Selling Author

“Natalie Runion is one of those bridge builders and midwives standing at the dawn of a new day gently and passionately leading the church into her finest hour, and this book is the very manual that will help them lay down their chains and step into it. While reading this book I felt a wave of relief – “Wow, she gets it!” But more than that, she knows how to hand out the keys to get there. I pray this book leads you into moments of simultaneous repentance and deep joy and leads you into the new chapter before us.”

Nate Johnston
Prophetic Voice and author of The Wild Ones

“From survival to revival, Natalie’s newest book will save churches from the death spiral and set them on fire with a genuine move of the Holy Spirit. Natalie is surprisingly transparent, straightforward, fair, and redemptive. One of the best books on leading and being a healthy church.”

Jerry and Kimberly Dirmann
Lead Pastors of The Rock Campuses and Jesus Way Home Churches
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